Liberty #mixedmonday

Hey everyone, I’m Liberty. I’m 27 and a team leader at an office in Bristol. I come from a very big, blended family and I’m one of 7 between my mum and dad. I was born and raised in Bristol and although my parents split when I was young, my mum raised me with the help of my sister Leanne. Both of them made sure I grew up around both sides of my family.

Growing up in Stockwood, the only people who were ‘like me’ was either my siblings or my close cousins. I attended a predominately white school where people would ask if I was related to the ‘other Black person’ in the school and at the time, I wouldn’t think anything of it but now that is something that probably did affect me.

How would you describe your ethnicity?

I would describe myself as mixed race. I’m White and Black Caribbean. Both parents are born in the UK, dad was born and raised in Bath with both of his parents born in Jamaica. Whereas my mum was born and raised in Bristol and her parents are also from Bristol.
Before the BLM movement in 2020, I would always just say I’m from Bristol and shake off the comments of ‘where are you really from?’, but in 2020 I became more aware of everything, how to answer that question and reflected on further comments such as ‘you’re not really Black’ or ‘you’re not really White’. After feeling disconnected with my race identity and sitting down with my Jamaican nan, I now feel much more at peace with saying I’m Black, I’m mixed race and I’m me.

Has your mixed-ness influenced your career in any way?

My mixed-ness has definitely influenced my current job, before I never cared what position I was in. I just wanted to turn up, work and go. I’d grown tired of having no one like me in senior positions and repeating the same issues during BHM. Since joining my current company in 2016, I had a better attitude to wanting to achieve more. Not only for me but for the ‘minority’ that could relate. I have successfully managed to gain promotion twice and we’re just getting started!!

If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be?

Blessed. I am forever grateful and proud of who I am and my mixed identity.

Beyond the Mix

Beyond the Mix is a safe space for mixed heritage women to connect and share

Naomi #mixedmonday


Nicola #mixedmonday