Naomi #mixedmonday

This week's #mixedmonday is the super talented photographer @noemiestjuste.

Hi everyone, my name is Naomi St Juste , I’m 33 but don’t feel it haha and I was born and raised in Birmingham, United Kingdom. I’m married and have two children. I’m currently breaking into the creative industry as a photographer, with my latest achievement being a Portrait of Britain winner!
I have been pursuring photography professional since 2021, and am proud of what I’ve done so far.

How would you describe your ethnicity?

My ethnicity in short is Jamaican and British, My moms family are from Jamaica, my grandmother came over during Windrush and dads family are British. I did recently do an ancestry test because as we know for many in the Carribean , that’s not where our ancestors were originally from. And I found out my mum passed on DNA mainly from Nigeria. I grew up with my moms side of the family.

If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be?

My mixed identity in a word is whole. Many times as mixed individuals , we are told we somehow didn’t make the cut, we are half or deficient in some way. I don’t feel that way, having some much variety in my life makes me feel whole.

What is the best thing about being mixed heritage?

I would say the best thing about being mixed heritage is being unique. You could take two people with the same mix but yet they look completely different or have had completely different lives. I also love how being mixed dismantles the whole categorising of race but that’s for another time.

Beyond the Mix

Beyond the Mix is a safe space for mixed heritage women to connect and share

Charleen #mixedmonday


Liberty #mixedmonday