Sarah #mixedmonday
This weeks #mixedmonday is Sarah Lotus Garrett, the founder of the @mixedbloomroom.
Hi, my name is Sarah Lotus Garrett, offspring of a poet/painter mom and a free jazz dad, Donald Rafael Garrett. I am a descendant of Africans and Europeans and a future #goodancestor. I am a sibling, friend, partner, parent, auntie, and a person in family and community with lots of really good people. I am a gardener, home chef, tinkerer, autistic and a community rest and joy enthusiast.
I grew up with my mom and her family and my siblings in the San Francisco Bay area, coming of age in Marin County and San Francisco during the 80’s and 90’s. At 35 I left the United States for Northern Italy and have been living here for the past 18 years. I am just about to start the process of gaining Italian citizenship and I’m really excited about that.
I am also a life coach and I co-create in @MixedBloomRoomwith Mixed people and their families and lots of other beautiful souls. I founded Mixed Bloom Room in 2019 when I was called to help fill a need for mixed community and healing, not only for myself but for many other mixed folks as well.
How would you describe your ethnicity?
I’m Mixed Black. My dad’s side of the family is Black American with mostly West African and some Nigerian roots and mom is white American with mostly British roots.
Has your mixed-ness influenced your career in any way?
Mixedness is at the center of my work as a life coach. In coaching mixed adults and parents of mixed kids, I am exploring, centering and teaching about mixedness on a daily basis. All my mixed intersections come into play in Mixed Bloom Room and I am constantly growing and co-creating, I feel so lucky! Honestly, it gives me a lot of strength and peace to know that my work and my heart are in such beautiful alignment.
If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be?
What is the best thing about being mixed heritage?
Moving through the world from a place of 'both/and'. There’s a lot of space, compassion and opportunity there.