Leanne #mixedmonday

After a short break, your weekly #mixedmonday is back! Today we introduce Leanne, who co founded @soultrailwellbeing and is also hosting our first Beyond the Mix Walk!

I am Leanne Anyinsah, Director & Co founder of Soul Trail Wellbeing CIC - a non-profit organisation delivering nature-based walks & programmes to help improve mental health in the community. I grew up in Newport, South Wales where I have always had a passion for the outdoors, animals and art!

I am also a Mental Health First Aid instructor, and a psychotherapist that facilitates group therapy; for a charity that helps women heal from sexual trauma.

I’ve previously worked as a 999 operator, mental health lead for Fire service, and a Police Negotiator – lots of crisis work & late nights! In lockdown, I really noticed how nature benefitted not only my wellbeing but others around me. I left the public sector, and the rest is history!

How would you describe your ethnicity?

I would describe myself as Mixed race. My Dad's family are from St Kitts, Caribbean. My grandparents are part of the Windrush Generation.
My mum's family are White British (with some Scandinavian and Italian roots).

Has your mixed-ness influenced your career in any way?

Absolutely! My Caribbean family have taught me determination, confidence and togetherness. My Mums side encouraged my passion for the outdoors, love of wildlife and creativity. I have learnt to embrace two completely different cultures, and turn these differences into unique strengths. I feel this has contributed to my work ambition and success.

I have experienced that not all work spaces celebrate mixedness, and there are so many stereotypes, lack of understanding and lack of representation (especially within mental health sector and the outdoors). I am proud to be a mixed-heritage leader; not only to represent & create spaces for other mixed people, but to also take up space and smash glass ceilings!

If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be?


What is the best thing about being mixed heritage?

Being able to be a role model to my step daughter, by being someone she can look up to who also has the same identity as her. When I grew up, although I have a huge family - I didn’t have older peers or adults who looked like me. I am really grateful to know I can have a positive influence/ provide guidance on the understanding of her own identity and sense of belonging.

Beyond the Mix

Beyond the Mix is a safe space for mixed heritage women to connect and share


Amy #mixedmonday


Sarah #mixedmonday