Harriette #mixedmonday

Hey everyone, I’m Harriette, your friendly breathing coach based in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. I grew up just down the road in Stevenage with my Mum, Dad and younger sister. We're a close little family unit which has expended to 6 of us with my partner Graham and Jessi’s (my sister) partner Greta.

My friend Katie says I have had ‘all of the jobs’ which isn’t strictly true but I have jumped careers a lot trying to find my space. My job titles have included Stage Manager, Movement Director, Drama Teacher, Chocolate Buying Assistant, Charity Programme Manager, Event Director and many more which I only remember if they pop up in conversation. I think a lot of the jumping around comes from not feeling like I fit in. Breathwork gave me the space to sit, listen and get cosy with myself, my heritage and how I relate to the world.

I adore dancing and music which initially lead me to my degree in performing arts. As part of the degree we had a module in Yoga which I loved for its flow, strength and relaxation. Yoga become my sanctuary after uni and it was when I met Yoga Elder Sarah O’Conner that I was introduced to Pranayama (Yogic Breathwork & Energy Control). Pranayama allowed me to find mental space in my overwhelming job, to notice things about myself and discover sense of clarity. It was at the end of 2021 that I decided to leave my successful career in event management and become a breathwork practitioner and I am grateful for every single moment.

My work now integrates my two loves, breathing and movement. Supporting people to become friends with their breath to alleviate overwhelm and find mental space. I have some very excited things planned for this year with my work including a new 1-2-1 programme starting in March, a group breathing journey scheduled towards the end of the year and lots of retreats, workshops and festivals in between. The beauty of it all is that I feel at home teaching these practices and I finally comfortable with who I am and what I do.

How would you describe your ethnicity? 

I describe myself as mixed race or mixed heritage, I sort of interchange between the two. My Dad is from St Kitts & Nevis in the Caribbean and my Mum is British.

Has your mixed-ness influenced your career in any way? 

I’d say so yes, constantly changing jobs came from a feeling of not knowing where I fit in physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It pushed me to find ways to reconnect with my body and mind, which was breath work and movement. Holding space for people to go on a similar journey using breathing as a tool is an absolute privilege and one which I am very proud of.

If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be? 

This is a hard question, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my identity over the past few years, can I have two? Beautifully conflicted.

What is the best thing about being mixed heritage? 

Music and food, my taste in both is so wonderfully broad. Family parties on both sides of my family where very different as a kid but they both involved delicious food and great music. Some of my fondest memories are being crammed into my Granny’s flat in Bermondsey, London (Granny had 17 grandchildren and couldn’t tell you how many great grandchildren) listening to ‘I Am Blessed’ while munching saltfish cakes and Jonny cakes with everybody dancing. And then having buffet lunches with quiche and salad at up at my Grandma and Grandad’s in Middlesborough playing badminton and listening to ‘The Carpenters’ or ‘M People’. My Grandparents had a huge impact on my life and although they are no longer here they are always with me through music and food.

Beyond the Mix

Beyond the Mix is a safe space for mixed heritage women to connect and share


Cherene #mixedmonday


Josie #mixedmonday