Cherene #mixedmonday

My name is Cherene, I am 38 years old. I am a Kinesiologist, Reiki Master teacher and Life purpose coach who loves to dance and cook. I spend my days teaching, holding one to one sessions and running retreat and workshops and I absolutely love what I do! When I'm not doing that, I love dancing as a hobby and am part of a dance class. I also love cooking and food. I have an amazing 11 year old son called Angelito, who is an amazing boy and is my greatest teacher. I found my way into my work through some tough periods in my life. Having been through depression and anxiety in my late teens and for it to return some years later after a separation, issues at work, my father passing and my mum being diagnosed with cancer who later also passed, I was filled with anxiety and dread. Having been down the route of conventional counselling in the past and just feeling like although it got me through, it hadn't got to the root of the issue. So I embarked on a journey with a more holistic approach and Reiki and Kinesiology literally changed my life! I went for myself and my wellbeing and had no clue this would actually lead me to being able to help others to help themselves.

How would you describe your ethnicity?

I grew up in Bristol with my dad, mum and older sister. My childhood home was in a predominantly white area, but I always feel blessed that I was connected with both sides of my family and regularly spent time with all my cousins, aunts, uncles and grand-parents. I would describe my ethnicity and Mixed-Black Caribbean British and White British. Both my parents were born in Bristol, UK but my fathers parents are Jamaican born.

Has your mixed-ness influenced your career in any way?

Being mixed I think is great! I think it's really helped me to understand things from different sides and points of view. Some of my work can look at belief systems and perception and I do believe having a 'mixed' experience I'm already open to the differences around me.

If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be?

I would say BALANCE.

What is the best thing about being mixed heritage?

The best thing about being mixed heritage is through my experiences and exposure to two different cultures, I have found myself always interested and open to different people, cultures, beliefs etc and love learning new things along the way, especially a traditional dance or recipe!

Beyond the Mix

Beyond the Mix is a safe space for mixed heritage women to connect and share

Leanne #mixedmonday


Harriette #mixedmonday