Stacey #mixedmonday

This weeks #mixedmonday is Stacey, @perfectlyyouyogi.

Hi, I’m Stacey, wife, mother to an amazing daughter and fur baby, and teacher of Yoga and Dance. I live in Bristol but grew up in Rochdale (Greater Manchester). I’ve been a teacher of Dance and Drama in secondary schools and in the community for around twenty years. After a lifetime of dipping in and out of yoga practice, I hit a milestone age and embarked upon a journey to take my yoga knowledge deeper, undertaking teacher training for the pure pleasure of being a student. I’m a great believer in lifelong learning! Unexpectedly, and rather amazingly, this has led to a mid-life career (not crisis ha!) change and I now run my own business teaching yoga, dance and wellness in the community.

How would you describe your ethnicity?

I’m a mixed heritage soul, my mum is from Ireland and my father is from Jamaica. My parents split when I was young. I’ve kept in contact with my dad and his side of the family, but grew up in an incredibly loving and large white Irish family and attended predominantly white Roman Catholic schools. Thankfully one of my best friends is of mixed heritage too and so we navigated the complexities of mixed-ness together and still continue to do so!

Has your mixed-ness influenced your career in any way?

Definitely! From an early age I’ve always been drawn to the arts and in particular the art of body in motion. Art in every sense is a mix of souls, influences, history and placement. Yoga too, is so welcoming of all humanity and focuses on nurturing the divine within us all! So, it seems only fitting that I should be drawn to life paths welcoming and celebratory of mixed-ness. I’ve had my challenges being of mixed heritage and finding my position in the world. It can be a lonely place at times. However, I believe this has led to careers that help me support the inclusion of others, celebrate our differences and create spaces where people feel wholly valued and loved just as they are.

If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be?


What is the best thing about being mixed heritage?

All of it! The food, culture, rich histories, my chocolate skin and the joy mix!

Beyond the Mix

Beyond the Mix is a safe space for mixed heritage women to connect and share

Leanne #mixedmonday


Vicki #mixedmonday