Laura #mixedmonday

My name is Laura and I've lived in Bristol for 17 years when I moved here to study Fashion at UWE. 14 years of this has been spent with my partner Joe and now my 4 year old and almost 1 year old. I set up my company @saffronrecords in 2015 which supports women and non binary people into the music tech industry. In 2021 I set up Beyond the Mix with my sister @sarahlpg. My dad is from Dominica and my Mum is from Kent. When I used to say my mum is from Kent it was said with a chuckle as it was much less exotic compared to Dominica. I was born in Tottenham and then moved to a commune in Swindon when I was 6. The move was a shock to say the least in terms of multiculturalism, but also (more positively) there was less pollution, more nature and space. My parents split when I was 8, so alongside the move to Swindon and less presence from my Dad, it felt like that was the beginning of being cut off from my Caribbean roots. For me I really value the influences of music, food and family, that come with different cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

Prior to my parents separation, cultural influences felt much more naturally integrated, by being in London and being surrounded by different people from all walks of life and also some of my Caribbean family being in London too. So we were able to feel connected to our heritage and ancestry.

Music was regularly played in our household, but I especially remember it being played on Saturdays, with lots of Reggae, dub, but also Tracey Chapman and Sade. I remember eating plantain, saltfish and rice, also lots of mango and being introduced to sugar cane. This all felt easy in London, there was a normality to it. But once we moved to the commune, I feel like my taste buds became less stimulated as our diet was heavy on lentils, chickpeas and pearl barley!!!

If you could describe your mixed identity in one word, what would it be?

Cultural ninja.

What is the best thing about being mixed heritage?

The kinship to multiple family members and ancestral lineage.

Beyond the Mix

Beyond the Mix is a safe space for mixed heritage women to connect and share

Rhia #mixedmonday


Kelly #mixedmonday